"We buy and sell metal processing machinery!"

  • Low Carbon Steels

    Low Carbon Steels

    There are many types of steel that vary in their carbon content. SAE 1006 to 1010 are low carbon steels that are extremely soft and ductile.

  • Rolling Mill History

    Rolling Mill History

    Hot and cold metalworking between two or more rolls has been in existence since long before the industrial revolution.  As a matter of fact, Leonardo da Vinci was credited for the metalworking mill prior to his death in 1519.

  • Built-To-Order Metal Processing Machinery

    Built-To-Order Metal Processing Machinery

    At American Steel we offer you both used and built-to-order metal processing machinery. Our equipment is designed to meet your manufacturing needs of High Quality Stainless Steel Tubes, Strips & Coils.

  • What Is A Slitting Line?

    What Is A Slitting Line?

    If you aren’t familiar with the metal processing machine industry you may not have a good grasp on how metal is processed and what types of machines are used to create ready-to-use products. There are numerous ways to process metal but before most metal goes to a manufacture, it needs to be processed to the correct specifications of the clients job.